µline read software
Using the µline read software, you can create master files to read out all of the devices in the µline family and devices from selected third-party manufacturers wirelessly. Third-party devices that transmit according to the OMS standard can be received.
You also have the option to receive from all surrounding wireless-capable electronic devices for measured value collection without an existing master file.
The µline Cloud enables you to access the read-out file with just a few clicks.
Our software can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store for all Windows 10-capable devices.
Necessary products
Radio receiver µWBF-1
The WBF-1 OMS is the hand-held receiver for all μline devices. Using the USB-A interface, the received data is transmitted to a Windows 10-capable device, where it may then be imported into a billing program.
µline read user manual
Please also read our user manual for µline read. This provides a quick overview of the most important steps and functions to enable a smooth start with configuration of your µline products.