
µ2config management software

For speedy device and radio configuration of all new and future µline products with Koko II. The software is available after logging in as a customer on the website in the downloads area. You can download it for free and install it on any Windows 10-capable device.


Display all relevant data, consumption, errors, evaluation, and temperatures

Changing from basic settings

Adjusting and changing radio settings

Adjusting radio intervals

Triggering mounting radio

Open reset

USB configuration module-KoKo-II
Necessary products

USB configuration module KoKo II

Fast device and radio configuration of all current and future products in the μline family with the Koko II.

µ2config user manual

Please also read our user manual for µ2config. This provides a quick overview of the most important steps and functions to enable a smooth start with configuration of your µline products.